Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Noah went to the doctor on Monday and all is well! He gained almost 2 pds in 2 weeks being on the formula! He now weighs 13 pds!
We have started trying to get him to sleep through the night again and after a horrific night on Sunday night...last night he did great! I am still waking up to feed him once around 12:30 but then he is sleeping till 7! Yeah!
I am also trying to teach him healthy sleep habits, in other words, when I put him down for his naps I don't need to keep going back a million times to put the passi in and shush him! He has gotten spoiled! So the last few days, nap time has been a challenge! He screams and cries for almost an hour before he falls asleep! I think the longest he slept yesterday was 30 minutes until his evening nap he finally gave up and went to sleep good! it has been torture on me but I know it will be worth it once he figures it out that I am not going to come back in and give him what he wants and he will go down easy for his naps!
Nate has started his new job and is loving it! He has missed being outdoors and getting dirty and working with his hands...he said he feels manly again! lol! Whatever, as long as he is happy! He deserves to do something he enjoys after working a job he didn't enjoy for so long!
I am loving having my Mom here! She watched Noah for me so I could take a nap on Monday which was a lifesaver! Wish she wasn't leaving again! :(
Karen is coming over today...haven't seen her in almost 3 months! Can't wait! Nate's parents are coming down this weekend to see Mr. Noah so we are having lots of company but we are loving it! Hopefully Noah won't get too rotten! :)
Well, I probably won't have time to post again till next week so I hope everyone has a GREAT Labor Day! Nate gets Monday off, Yeah! We get to have a family day! :)

I also want to wish my brother and sister-in-law a Happy 9 year Anniversary! May God bless you with many many more happy years together! Love yall!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Letting them cry it out is SUCH a blessing- both to the baby and the mommy!!! It is tough but he will get used to it!

    Have fun with all of your family! What a blessing! :o)
